The exquisite result of extraordinary hardness and protection from affect is perfect both for zones that need to withstand serious pedestrian activity and in addition for family situations. Its negligible retention, simplicity of cleaning and low support settles on it an exceedingly recommendable decision for restrooms or kitchens, as it is to a great degree impervious to scraped spot, acids, oils…
Quartz Compac has significant stylish adaptability, as its progressed R+D+I takes into account the production of a vast exhibit of outlines, sizes, thicknesses, ornamentations, and select hues that mix in with different materials.
Interstone Marble and Granite Limited is the elite merchant in Ontario of Compac Technological Quartz, which is promoted under the brand Quartz Compac. The present market requires items that, while maintaining a great degree high esteem, can satisfy the part for which they were made. Our “Quartz Surfaces” innovation empowers us to deal with and work the quartz keeping in mind the end goal to adjust it to the cutting edge world, conquering its specialized and tasteful confinements.